• Mimeria Consulting

  • Professional services that help companies create value from their data.
  • Mimeria Services

  • Custom data platform services

Mimeria Consulting

Professional services that help companies create value from their data. read more

Mimeria Services

Custom data platform services read more

Every company is a data company.

There is great value in data, and the ability to extract value from industrial data distinguishes disruptive from disrupted companies. Unlike consumer data, corporate and industrial data remains a mostly untapped resource. But data success is not easily achieved, and competing with the most technical companies is challenging. The resources, knowledge, and talent necessary to efficiently extract value from data is concentrated in a few high-tech companies.

Built on experience

Mimeria is built on experience from data processing at web scale, and provide our customers with insight into how to build and run processing flows that extract business value from data. We enable innovation with industrial data, and make it accessible to a wider range of companies.

Contact us

Contact us at info@mimeria.com to discuss how we can help your company become truly data driven.